Once you have completed your homework and have submitted it, it is time to discuss your findings in Class 4. Following this we will get into the horrible subject of what to do should your parrot goes missing. This is something we specifically teach before your first free flight so that you have this knowledge early on. It is important to keep in mind that very few free flight parrots are permanently lost.

In Class 4 we discuss the steps you will need to take should your parrot fly off.

Once you have an understanding of how to recover your parrot it is time to book Class 5, where you will learn how to achieve your very first free flight!

  • Free Flight Check List

    When going our for your very first few free flights it is important to take a few things with you. This document contains the list of everything you need. We go into detail about these items during our call.

    Click Here

  • How To Deal With A Fly Off

    Sometimes fly offs happen during free flight, for a variety of reasons. It is important to understand what steps need to be taken in the event of a fly off. This document is to be used as a rough guide on what to do. We discuss the exact actions that need to be taken in Class 4.

    Click Here

  • How To Deal With An Over-Nighter

    Once you have read the "How To Deal With A Fly Off' it is important to move onto reading through this document. In the events that your parrot is to stay outdoors you must ensure that you have the knowledge to do with this. We will go through everything in more detail in Class 4.

    Click Here

  • The Benefits of Whistles

    We talk about whistles on the check list and will discuss their benefits in session 4 but here's a quick overview.

    Click Here

  • Class 4 Powerpoint

    This is the powerpoint from the 4th Class. Please feel free to view it as many times as necessary.

    Click Here For Part 1

    Click Here For Part 2

After session 4 you should know the following:

  • What items you should bring along to at least your first few free flights.
  • What is recovery.
  • How to recover a bird.
  • How to deal with over-nighters.
  • Why fly offs happen and how to lower the chances of them happening.

It is entirely your decision if you wish to work on the following prior to advancing in the course, however before the next stage of training you should:

  • Have a full understanding of how to recover your bird should you experience a fly off.
  • Have a full understanding of what to do in the emergency of an over-nighter.
  • Have a full understanding of how to discourage fly offs.

As always, you are all doing incredibly well! And now you’re over halfway through the course, congratulations! Not long until your feathered friends are free! If you need any help or guidance feel free to reach out to us.

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